6th Grade Virtual Orientation

6th Grade Virtual Orientation
5/26/2021, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Dear 5th Grade Families,
We are excited to offer a virtual Parent/Guardian Sixth Grade Orientation on Wednesday, May 26th from 6-7pm.  This one is geared for adults, as the students will get their own the following week.  You can join us with the following link:

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://ausdk12-org.zoom.us/j/92782202199?pwd=dVJmei9wS3U5UjdlQVNtT3hsbE1rZz09Meeting ID: 927 8220 2199Passcode: 095420One tap mobile+13462487799,,92782202199#,,,,*095420# US (Houston)+16699006833,,92782202199#,,,,*095420# US (San Jose)

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Deb Brill, Principal

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